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Pricing Terms & Conditions:

Salsa Latina Academy pricing Terms & Conditions applies to all payments.

General terms & conditions apply to all activities at Salsa Latina Dance Centre.

* Last Updated 15-03-2025*

Free 1st Class

• Free classes are exclusively offered during the first week of beginner courses; no other classes are complimentary unless explicitly advertised.
• During the first week of any course, participants are entitled to one free class per dance style. For instance, you can gain a free class in Salsa and another in Bachata during the initial week of a course. With a maximum of 1 free class in each style without commitment.
• Students with a valid SLA concession card are eligible for a free class during the first week of any course.
• Individuals who misuse the free first-class system without a commitment to advancing their education in these styles may be denied a complimentary class at the teacher's discretion.

☆ General Terms & Conditions

• All payments are required prior to class except for Free classes.
• If you forget your concession card you will be required to pay for a casual class to join in, no exceptions
• Prices above are based on per person 
• All Prices above are based cash price
• We Accept Cash, NFC Contactless Paywave or PIN insert chip credit cards, Online Credit Card Payments via our online shop which also includes Applepay, GooglePay & Paypal, plus much more.... see our website shop page>

• Transaction Fee (2.7% + 0.30) To avoid credit card transaction fees you can pay in Cash. Transaction fees for Paywave, Credit card & Online Payments are the same - to see transaction fees, see individual items in our shop online - see our shop >

• Salsa Latina  reserves the right to change prices, schedules and terms and conditions without notice.

• Independent Dance Classes; Other Dance Classes not run by Salsa Latina Dance School have their own rates and concession cards systems which are not compatible with Salsa Latina labelled classes & courses & may or may not offer eftpos or online payment systems.

• Credit card Insert PIN / Paywave & Cash at the Studio or online credit card payments via our website shop page using the Shopify System. All major credit cards accepted including Applepay, googlepay, paypal etc.
• Explicitly No Refunds
• All concession cards can be put on hold for a maximum of 1 year (but must be in writing/email) 
• All concession cards & casual cards have a 6 month expiry date from purchase.
• All concession cards cannot be transferred to another person unless it was initially a gift, which must be stated when purchasing.
By completing the registration or enrollment process with Salsa Latina and/or gaining access to our venue, you are acknowledging and accepting The Code of Conduct that governs entry at Salsa Latina. This code applies to all classes & events, and any violation of it by any person will result in the forfeiture of any refunds.
•  If you already own a concession card all new terms and conditions apply as dated above.*

☆ Casual: 
Casual Rates & Class Passes

- These can be bought online and used by anyone, proof of purchase usually required if bought online.
- Any unused sessions a 1 class pass will be given for future use.
- If a name is written on the card, only the person on the card may use it.

☆ Foundation:
Beginners Concession Card

No Longer available since 06-12-2024

- if you have a valid beginner concession card we will exchange like for like for an equivalent elevate concession card.

☆ Elevate:
Universal Concession Cards

This applies to Blue, Red & Gold Concession Cards:

- These can be shared between 2 people maximum, both must be present for the class (Blue, Red & Gold only.)

- We do not give refunds or take responsibility for lost or stolen concession cards, so please keep it safe.


☆ Platinum Concession Card

Once you have done a grading you will be notified  if you can gain access to these cards & it will be on your certificate that you have attained this level. If you didn't get a platinum level grade you will have feedback on what you might need to work on to attain one.

- Once you achieve a platinum level grade (74% or higher), you will have the opportunity to purchase Platinum Concession cards.

- These cards are similar to 'gold cards' but with rewards, offering a discount for lower level classes.

This package covers 9 sessions along with a discount for any lower level class. You can do any lower level for $5 when you get a platinum grade for that level & style. No need to do 2 for 1, you can now do lower levels at a discount any time.

- $5 classes will be paid as you go via payWave or cash with any valid concession card.
- For any other styles other than your platinum level, this will be used like a gold card. For example if you graded platinum with Bachata and you attend a beginner Salsa class, this will be marked off like a normal concession card.
- These cards cannot be shared between 2 people
- Level 1 Platinums  you can do any beginner 101 level for $5 provided its the style you passed with a platinum grade.

- Level 2 Platinums  you can do any beginner 101 level Free or any imp-int level for $5 provided its the style you passed with a platinum grade.
for example if you are doing 3 classes on 1 night, then you would get 1 free class, pay for 1 classes at $5 and mark one off you concession card. Or if you are doing beginners and imp-int that would only cost $5 total.

- You need to pass a grading with a high mark to attain these cards & will be notified if you have access to them. If you are unsure check at reception. If accidentally bought, a gold card will be given in its place. 

See some examples on our blog post about the changes here >

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