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Salsa Latina News & Updates Blog: 24-March-2025

Writer: Salsa LatinaSalsa Latina

Updated: 6 hours ago

Salsa Latina Christchurch Dance school

We're moving next week! Make the most of our last week at 12 Bath st before we move to Colombo St. Classes are running full capacity, so join us for one final blast!

Also starting from next week we have 4 New Salsa courses and a Salsa performance course also starting in the new studio!

In this update:

  • We're Moving - it's Last week at 12 Bath St

  • x2 Salsa Performance Courses Starting

  • Platinum Card Update#2 - Free 101 classes for level-2s!

  • Stuff for Sale! Chairs, Tables & more..

  • Salsa Beginners Tuesday Cancels Next Week

  • Free Salsa Beginners Next Thursday - All Salsa Levels Start Next week

  • New Salsa Int-Adv Level - Starting Tuesdays next week

  • New Social Night Coming 

  • Salsa 208 imp-int Syllabus Update


Salsa Latina's New Dance Space
find out all the location details here >

🌟 We're Moving NEXT WEEK

'Salsa Latina' is moving to a NEW Studio!

Don't worry, classes will continue no`n-stop. The New studio is all setup ready to go! It's only 3 blocks away, bigger and better dance floor for class, tons of free parking behind the studio, plus four air conditioning units, 4 bathrooms and a full kitchen and no staircase to navigate!... find out more on our relocation post here >

Salsa Latina performance courses

🌟 x2 Salsa Performance Courses Starting

It was great to see so many people at the Performance Intro Day, it's not to late to join in a performance course. We have 2 Starting in April!

We have a brand new Salsa On2 course starting on Thursdays 3rd of April at 8:30pm

and also a Salsa Mixed Shines team coming soon on Sundays 20th April at 4pm, to qualify you need to be at the Imp-Int level and above - ideally more than 6 months dancing Salsa. ...... see this page for details >

🌟 Platinum Card UPDATE#2

As we recently updated last week the 2 for 1 offer is no longer available, but, we have also made a recent corrective change for level-2 platinums as below.

New Offer:

- Platinum Level-1 - $5 for any beginner 101 class ( > 50% off )

- Platinum Level-2 - FREE for any beginner 101 class (Updated)

- Platinum Level-2 - $5 for Imp-Int 201+ class  ( > 50% off )

🌟 NEW Salsa Inter-Advanced

For all intermediate and higher levels, we are bringing back the mixed level class for intermediate and advanced students on Tuesdays at 8:30pm. In this class, we will teach On1 and On2 styles, accommodating all levels from intermediate to advanced with a refreshed syllabus. This change is to accommodate a new performance Salsa On2 class on Thursday.

🌟 Salsa 208 Imp-Int Syllabus Update

A small update to 'Salsa 208 Week#4' now has a new On1 Shine to learn and new partnerwork added to the system instead of Cha Cha. We have now combined Cha Cha with Mambo on the Salsa 204 module on Week#4. So don't miss out this Thursday 7:30pm to learn something new! ... see more details here >

🌟 Stuff for Sale

While all 32 mirrors have been sold, we still offer a variety of other items at the studio for purchase, including a sofa, bar leaner, stools, chairs, tables, and air conditioning units, though not the kitchen sink. If you're looking for a Salsa Latina keepsake, seating options, or stacking chairs and folding tables perfect for events or parties, please inquire at reception this week during or before class times.

🌟 Salsa Beginners Tuesday is Canceled

This week's Tuesday Salsa Beginners class at 6:15 pm was the final session, as it will be canceled starting April due to the studio relocation & booking issues. We encourage participants to join the New Thursday Salsa Beginner class at 6:15 pm on the April 3rd, or to rejoin us on Tuesdays when the course starts on May 6th. In both scenarios, you will still receive a Free 1st class during week#1. Additionally, we are offering another FREE class due to the changes for those that have only just started dancing, just mention this when you turn up to a class and show your concession card if you have one. You can get a Free class on Week#2, Week#3 or Week#4.

🌟 Free Salsa Beginner Class - Starts NEXT Thursday

A brand new Salsa course for absolute beginners is set to kicks off on Thursday 6:15pm 3rd of April at our new studio, or for those that want to repeat this level to improve. Bring a friend or a family member or come along. Everyone is welcome to try for a Free class to try out the class, but please do ...Sign up here >

🌟 New Social Night Coming

We're about to release our new 'Salsa Night Fever' event which will be located in a central Bar on Friday Nights every fortnight..... Stay tuned as we are finalising the details!

🌟 Salsa Latina Academy's New Instagram

We have recently started a new Salsa Latina account with a New name change. To see latest videos & images of our classes join us here >



This Thursday 6:15 is the next grading!  Results for this grading will be posted here in the next post.

If you have done a grading before but havent attained a high level platinum grade, you can resits this exam and join in this week, just turn up no need to register.

Gradings for Progression: Gradings are required to progress to the next levels, its also designed to help improve you fundamental level, so If you didn't get a platinum grade on the first attempt this is actually normal for most 90% of people who are new to dance more >


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