We have allot happening in the next few weeks, keep an eye on our updates below so you don't miss out. We'd also like to thank to all those that attended our final party & workshop at the studio on Saturday, it was one of the biggest ones yet, see a video here > Just remember we still have 2 more weeks of classes before our big move to our new studio, so make the most of them!
In this update:
Performance Intro This Sunday! - For anyone interested in 2025 teams
Platinum Card Update! - no more 2-for-1s
Salsa On2 Advanced Finishes - last one this Thursday
We're Moving - 2 week countdown
Large Mirrors for sale - almost all sold out
Free Bachata Beginners this Monday - All Bachata Levels Start This week
New Social Night Coming
Grading Results - from Bachata Beginners last week
🌟 Performance Intro Day 2025 - THIS Sunday!
Calling all Bachata & Salsa dancers - If you want to join a performance team for 2025 you'll need to attend our Intro session this Sunday 5pm, this is not a class but more of an information session and allocation to dancers to join teams. This is a one chance event for 2025 so don't miss out, we're no longer doing auditions to join. .... see full details >
🌟 Platinum Card UPDATE
We have a significant update regarding platinum concession cards. Although the price of the hasn't changed, the 2 for 1 offer is no longer available.
However, we are introducing a discount for any lower levels at any time!
• New Offer:
- Platinum Level-1 - $5 for any beginner 101 class
- Platinum Level-2 - Free for any beginner 101 class (with another class)
- Platinum Level-2 - $5 for Imp-Int 201+ class
🌟 Salsa On2 Advanced Thursday Finishes
This week is our last Salsa On2 Advanced class, but be sure to join back on Tuesdays 8:30pm - where we will go back to teaching On1 & On2 catering for all Intermediate to advanced levels with an updated syllabus. This is to make room for a new peformance class on Thursday. So don't miss out the last one this Thursday!
🌟 We're Moving in 2 Weeks!
'Salsa Latina' is moving to a new studio! Don't worry, all classes continue non-stop until the end of the month, then continue non-stop in the new studio. It's all setup ready to go! It's only 3 blocks away, bigger and better dance floor for class, tons of free parking, plus four air conditioning units, 4 bathrooms and a full kitchen and no staircase! ... find out more on our recent post here >
🌟 Large Mirrors for SALE
Since we're all setup in the new location, we will be selling all 32 large mirrors at Salsa Latina, so if you want one for your home gym, dance space at home, book one now!
Be fast, in one week we have almost all sold out!
...find out more here >
🌟 Free Bachata Beginner Class - THIS Monday 6:15pm
A brand new Bachata course for absolute beginners is set to kicks off, or for those that want to repeat this level to improve. Bring a friend or a family member or come along. Everyone is welcome to try for a Free class to try out the class, but please do ...Sign up here >
🌟 New Social Night Coming
We hosted our last "Salsa Night Fever" party at our current studio, and while we're sad to leave it behind, we have exciting plans ahead. We're working on organising a new event, likely in a bar setting. Keep an eye out for updates soon!
🌟 UPDATE: Forgetting your Concession Card?
Since February 2025, if you forget your concession card, you will need to pay the casual class rate - no exceptions. We must take a firm position on this moving forward. Therefore, please treat your concession card with utmost care. ..See terms & conditions updated >
🌟 Our New Instagram Account
We have recently started a new Salsa Latina account as we wanted to change the name of the account to 'Salsa Latina Academy' so i'ts consistent with our new marketing. We have ceased our old account so be sure to join us for updated on the latest videos from classes, parties & performance, join our new page here- > www.instagram.com/salsa_latina_academy
Bachata Beginner 101 Grading: Monday 10th March 2025
Congratulations to all Beginner Bachata students who took on the challenge of the Beginners 101 Grading. This was a large Bachata class with a 100% pass rate. Amazingly, 13 of the dance students have also achieved a high level "Platinum Grade" - an excellent achievement!
☆ Special Awards ☆
Congratulations to these Students;
• Keerthi Vijay - Most Improved Award
• Louise Cody - Best Follow Award
• Alexis Sanchez Escarpeta - Best Lead Award
• Juan Chang - Highest Grade Award
Dance Growth
To continue improving, we recommend a combination of practice, online classes, private lessons, group classes, and social dancing. This is especially true for Beginner lessons, which are designed to be repeated. No matter your level, there are always areas for improvement and we want to support you in your dance journey by helping you reach your maximum potential.... The Ultimate Training Program >
Gradings for Progression
Gradings are required to progress to the next levels, its also designed to help improve you fundamental level, so If you didn't get a platinum grade on the first attempt this is actually normal for most 90% of people who are new to dance ...read more >
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