A wide array of new dance classes are starting this week, with all our instructors fully returned and every class operating at full capacity. Additionally, don't miss the year's largest Salsa & Bachata party this weekend at the Cashmere Club, where all the Salsa & Bachata schools in Christchurch come together to celebrate the year's final major event!
Christmas Salsa Neon Ball - Full details of this event here >
• All 8:30 Classes Start Back - This WEEK
All Higher level classes classes will resume as usual this week including with teachers Reuben & Milena:
• Salsa/Bachata Int/Adv Shines - Monday 8:30pm
• Salsa Intermediate Plus - Tuesdays 8:30pm
• Bachata Int/Adv - Wednesdays 8:30pm • Salsa On2 Adv - Thursdays 8:30pm NEW
• Bachata Beginner Course - FREE class this week! Let your friends know and you are welcome to join them in the start dates free too! Also if you haven't tried Bachata, register now and do encourage and friends or family See Dates and enrol on this page >
• Bachata Beginner Grading Results
We have just posted the results for all those that have graded last week, wow what a class, this was an impressive 100% pass rate. ..read more & see results >
• All Bachata Upper New levels - THIS WEEK
For those that are progressing we have these new courses starting THIS week
Bachata Imp-Int 207 - Monday 7:30pm
Bachata Imp-Int 203 - Wednesday 7:30pm
Bachata Int-Adv 316 - Wednesday 8:30pm
• Salsa On2 Advanced - NEW THIS WEEK
Starting for the very first time a brand new level will begin THIS Thursday at 8:30pm, providing our inaugural dedicated time-slot for On2 classes focusing on shines and partnerwork. Join once you have either progressed from Imp-Int or been dancing more than a year & learnt the On2 conversion. Check with a teacher before joining. .....view details here >
• Beginner Concession Cards - Now Finished
No longer available, we have phased out the last 'beginner concession card' to simplify our system and return to a previous setup. Note: all beginners cards bought before 6th Dec are still valid until they expire.
Students looking for savings should opt for regular concession cards, which are valid for any level and any style.. see our new pricing here >
Lastest e-Newsletter
Read the full scoop and see whats new 'this week', 'next week' and upcoming dance events & classes in our newest Newsletter. If the below link "read now" is active then It has been sent out to all subscribers of the 'Salsa Latina' Newsletter. If you'd like to join, simply scroll down further to subscribe.