We have a significant update regarding platinum concession cards. Although the price of the hasn't changed, the 2 for 1 offer is no longer available.
However, we are introducing a discount for any lower levels at any time!
Update for Level-2 Platinum 20-03-2025 We have tweaked and updated bonus for level-2 platinums, free classes in beginners when you reach level-2 platinum grade. But you must do at least 1 other class on the same night. see examples below.
New Bonus Offers:
$5 per class for levels where you have achieved a platinum grade.
- Platinum Level-1 - $5 for any beginner 101 class
- Platinum Level-2 - Free for any beginner 101 w/ another class
- Platinum Level-2 - $5 Imp-Int 201+ class
What is it?
Once you achieve a platinum level grade (74% or higher), you will have the opportunity to purchase Platinum Concession cards.
This package covers 9 sessions along with a discount for any lower level class. You can do any lower level for $5 when you get a platinum grade for that level & style. No need to do 2 for 1, you can now do lower levels at a discount any time.
$5 classes will be paid as you go via payWave or cash with any valid platinum concession card. Available at the studio only.
Your name will be added to a list at the studio once you reach the 74% grade higher.
Platinum Level-2 has a bonus of Free Beginner classes, see terms and conditions

Please note if you forget your concession card you will need to pay full price!
Level 1 Examples:
Example#1: If you attend a Salsa Beginner & Imp-Int class and show your platinum level-1 card, one class will be marked off, and you'll pay $5 for the beginner class as a one-time fee. Total cost for 2 classes is $17.80.
Example#2: If you want to take just one Bachata Beginner class and show your platinum level-1 card, you'll pay $5 for the beginner class as a one-time fee, with nothing marked off your card. Total cost for 1 class is $5.
Example#3: If you attend a Salsa Beginner & Imp-Int class and show your platinum level-1 card, one class will be marked off, and you'll pay $5 for the beginner class as a one-time fee. Total cost for 2 classes is $17.80.
Level 2 Examples:
If you want to take 3 classes on one night and show your platinum level-2 card, you'll get 1 free for the beginner class and $5 for the imp-int class, plus your card will be marked off at your level. Total cost for 3 classes is $17.80
Example#5: If you have a Level-2 in Salsa & bachata and want to do 4 improver-intermediate classes all week. Total for 4 classes $20
Example#6: If you have a Level-2 in Salsa & bachata, and want to do 4 improver-intermediate classes all week. Total for 4 classes $20
Example#7: If you have a Level-2 Salsa Platinum and want to do 2 improver-intermediate classes & 2 Salsa beginners. Total for 4 classes $10
There are many ways to gain extra value by pushing your grades to get an upgrade on your knowledge, which you can improve and reach the platinum grades that offer better rewards than a standard elevate concession cards.
How to get a Platinum Grade
If you have been graded and did not achieve a platinum level, you can always retake your grading to obtain a platinum grade. Join any week#8 of a beginner level, or book a private grading session. ...grading information >