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5 Excuses that Will Derail Your Dance Journey

Writer: ReubenReuben

Let's face it, our comfort zones can be our worst enemies, especially when it comes to dancing. That little voice in your head loves to throw excuses your way, making you doubt yourself and your abilities. But if you're serious about improving your salsa and bachata skills, it's time to shut that voice up. Here are five common excuses your comfort zone will throw at you and how to counter them.

Salsa & Bachata dance journey

1. "I'm Going to Wait Until I'm Ready"

Your comfort zone thrives on keeping you in a safe, moldy bubble. It might seem rational to wait until you're "ready" to perform, social dance or take that challenging class, but guess what? You'll never feel 100% ready.

The Truth:

  • Feeling ready is something you realise in hindsight. Your dance teacher believes in you, and that’s a huge sign you’re ready to take the next step.

  • Confidence grows with every class, performance, social dance and practice session. Embrace the challenge and watch your skills soar.

  • Salsa Latina events & classes are designed to support and encourage you. It's a team effort, and everyone’s on the same journey.

2. "I'll Never Look Like Them, So Why Bother?"

Comparing yourself to others is a classic move by your comfort zone. It makes you feel like you'll never be as good as those dancers you admire.

The Reality:

  • Everyone has their own journey. Talk to those dancers you look up to. You'll find that they started just like you, full of doubts and questions.

  • If you’re admired, remember to pay it forward. Welcome new dancers and share your experiences. We’re all in this together.

3. "This Doesn't Feel Comfortable, So It's a Bad Idea"

Your comfort zone will grasp at anything to keep you from stepping out of it, even making the awkward parts of learning seem like a sign to quit.

The Truth:

  • Learning anything new comes with awkward phases. It’s part of the process.

  • Salsa Latina has a "Curve of Learning" that shows these phases: awkward, conscious use, and then natural use.

  • Talk to your dance teacher about where you are in the learning curve and ask for tips to progress faster. Communication and bold action are key.

4. "I'm Way Too Busy Now, I'll Start Later"

We’re all busy, and free time is never truly free. It’s about making an investment in yourself and your future, there's nothing like the present.

The Reality:

  • You’ll always have something going on. Waiting for the perfect moment means you’ll be waiting forever.

  • Investing time in dance will make you value it more. It’s not about finding free time; it’s about making time.

5. "Where Am I Ever Going to Use This?"

Practicality is a sneaky tool your comfort zone uses to keep you from dancing. It makes you question the usefulness of what you're learning.

The Truth:

  • Practicality needs the unknown to thrive. If you haven’t experienced something, your comfort zone will fill that void with doubt.

  • The more you participate—be it in lessons, coaching, social dancing, or performances—the less your comfort zone can argue. Fill those voids with experience, and that voice loses its power.

Final Thought

Think of your comfort zone like a weak opponent in a video game. As long as you avoid the challenge, it seems unbeatable. But once you face it head-on, you realise it’s not so tough after all. You might have to repeat a few areas to progress, but this is all about the learning experience as well. Remember the journey is also the dance.

When you conquer that voice, you'll discover a new inner voice—one that's bold, ambitious, and supportive. It will celebrate your courage and push you towards new goals. Embrace this hero voice and let it guide you on your dance journey. You're ready. Let’s dance!


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